Self-Reflective Blog Post Journal — Week 7 Module 7: The CIS 20 critical security controls (CSCs)

Daniel Lutrin
2 min readApr 22, 2021

Module Impressions:

While there was a lot of content, due to its nature, it involved more reading than studying, which made up for it. The entire module dealt with learning the CIS 20 Critical Security Controls; these are prioritized, well-vetted and supported security actions that can be implemented to improve cybersecurity and address cybersecurity shortcomings.

There was also more activities to do in this module, but they were practice quizzes and the module activity assessment to test the knowledge gained from reading the CIS 20 Critical Security Controls. Actually, I noticed this was more of a practical module than the ones proceeding it, which makes the seventh module the most practical. Although I personally do not enjoy practical content, my last year of college studies was entirely practical content, so when the seventh module turned out to be entirely practical, I wasn’t perturbed because my last year of college had prepared me to tack practical content.

Which of the CSCs would support an incident response effort in your organisation?

The Critical Security Control 5: Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges, Critical Security Control 17: Security Skills Assessment and Appropriate Training Gaps to Fill and Critical Security Control 19: Incident Response and Management.

Do you currently have an incident response team or plan?

No, I do not.

Final Thoughts:

It’s been quite a bit of a journey, but I am finally nearing the end of this short course; the final module is due to release this week. I’ll definitely says that’s its been worthwhile, especially since the course has made me realize the importance of cybersecurity in not only businesses and organisations, but in our daily lives.

